SBD Podcast

Ep 176 Forget Everything You Know About Networking ft. Travis Chappell

Travis Chappell is a podcasting consultant, real estate investor, and professional connector. He is the creator and host of Build Your Network, a Top 25 Business podcast with over 600 episodes! dedicated to helping entrepreneurs cultivate genuine relationships, grow their inner circle, and leverage a powerful network the right way. As an international speaker, he…

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Ep 177 If You Don’t Use It, You WILL LOSE IT! ft. Chris Wilson

What is the true definition of sedentary and what does that life look like in today’s world? Can you be highly active but also sedentary at the same time? The answers will shock you. Sadly, in our ever-advancing tech savvy world we are losing our fitness and ultimately our physical health and well-being… Movement itself…

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Ep 178 Coffee Talk with CEO of Life Boost Coffee ft. Dr. Charles Livingston

All things coffee… with a little cream and sugar ? Dr. Charles Livingston is a board-certified chiropractic physician and wellness practitioner.  He’s a speaker and bestselling author who created the The Fat Loss Factor program.  Today he is the CEO of Life Boost Coffee.  He hails from Indiana and is married with 2 kids. Dr….

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Ep 179 You Can’t Scale Without Knowing Your Numbers ft. Ben Teal

If you focus on working smart and move quickly toward defined goals, know yourself, your customers, AND your numbers, you’ll realize an easier path to rapid growth. Not only is our guest Ben Teal a mojito-loving Philosopher Economist, but he is also an Analytics and Process Systemization Expert. He holds a BA with a double…

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Ep 181 How to Achieve More By Noon ft. Dave Ruel

Dave Ruel is a former competitive physique athlete turned serial entrepreneur, author, speaker, and leadership mentor. After founding and growing multi-million-dollar online companies in the field of health, fitness and sports nutrition for nearly a decade, Dave saw the dark side of entrepreneurship gradually rob him of his freedom, leaving him burned out and unfulfilled….

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Ep 182 How Supporting Our Genes Can Help Reverse Aging ft. Dr. Darrell Misak

“Life is governed by a set of natural principles and laws.  As we recognize and honor these principles with our lifestyle choices, we improve the quality of our lives.” ~ Dr. Darrell Misak   What if having optimal health and a higher quality of life was as simple as being more aware? What if living…

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Ep 183 Why Your FEAR of Falling is Normal and Okay ft. Chris Wilson

Our ability to balance well from youth to maturity can determine a lot about the quality of our lives. In order for movement and activity to be enjoyable and a daily part of our lives, we must feel grounded, confident and sure on our feet. And when we no longer move with that same confidence…

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Ep 185 The Resistance Training Revolution ft. Sal Di Stefano (MIND PUMP)

Our guest today Sal Di Stefano is best known as co-founder of Mind Pump Media and co-host of the #1 Fitness podcast MIND PUMP (with now over 1,600 episodes) along with co-hosts Adam Schafer and Justin Andrews and the man behind the scenes Doug Egge. Mind Pump gets literally millions of downloads monthly and is…

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Ep 186 Is the ‘Cancel Culture’ Loving or Unloving and How Do We Respond? ft. Dr. Frank Turek

Dr. Frank Turek is a Christian Apologist, author of several best-selling books, an active public speaker on college campuses and churches all over the country and he’s a radio/podcast host on American Family Radio. The BIG question that we will answer in today’s podcast episode: How are Christians and even non-Christians supposed to respond when…

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Ep 187 Harness the Power of Your Anxiety ft. Dr. Chloe Carmichael

How many times have you thought or been told that you are OCD?  Now, how many of you also take a little pride in being OCD?  After all, this kind of intensity often adds to high performance and the ability to manage multiple things consecutively with superior outcomes! But what happens when this “high functioning”…

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