SBD Podcast

Ep 198 Spooky Scary Halloween Stories ft. Team Critical Bench

It’s that time of year again… time to get SPOOKED! In this special episode on Strong By Design, the team comes together to share spooky scary Halloween tales and stories. The conversation is more for entertainment but a real account of our collective past. Some of these stories definitely make the hair stand up on…

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Ep 200 The Leadership Mindset – What it takes to be a Strong Leader

Leadership takes guts, grit and lots of passion. So, after 199 episodes on our podcast show we gathered up some of our favorite conversations about the leadership mindset and what it takes to lead people. Whether you’re leading a small or large team OR just searching for ways to better lead yourself in life, this…

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Ep 238 Hollywood Heroes – How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God ft. Frank Turek

Everyone longs for a hero to save the day and most people all over the world love a good Superhero movie.  So then, what are the characteristics we associate with a hero that make them so powerful and amazing?  Well, heroes are brave, courageous, strong, and fearless.   Yes, those are great but what about this…

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Ep 237 Running a Marathon ft. Dave Frazier

Most people will never run 26.2 miles. Only a very small percentage of the population are willing to push themselves to that extreme level of endurance.  Not only is that distance intimidating physically, the mental demand may be even more jaw dropping for any aspiring competitive athletes.  Today’s guest, Dave Frazier, is a longtime friend…

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Ep 236 FEAR NOT ft. Pastor Chris Stephens

  God says over and over again.  Fear not!  Do not be afraid.  Be strong and courageous.  Trust me.    Why?  Fear doesn’t seem like the most serious of vices, it’s not one of the 7 deadly sins, nor is it the object of church discipline.  So why does God tell us to stop being…

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Ep 235 Slow Down Time ft. Chris Wilson

  Ever wish you had more time to get stuff done?  Time is a constant… the one thing we all get the same amount of each day no matter our level of success, wealth or determination to GSD.  And for many, the feelings of overwhelm and anxiety has reached an all time due to the…

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Ep 234 The BIG Ugly (Discover your Enneagram Type) ft. Jared Haley

One thing is for sure, we are all designed differently.  The definition of temperament: a person’s or animal’s nature, especially as it permanently affects their behavior.  In this façade-removing episode of the Strong By Design podcast show, guest Jared Haley and host Chris Wilson discuss what Jared refers to as the BIG ugly: Who we…

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Ep 233 The Grass is NOT Always Greener ft. Chris Wilson 

  From where we stand, things can “appear” to look better off in the distance.    The famous saying ‘the grass is always greener on the other side’ is often referred to by people pursuing interests other than the ones they’re currently involved with.   However, in reality it’s more like the other famous phrase that…

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Ep 232 Would you do THIS for Someone you Love? ft. Matt ‘Superman’ Miller

  “Real heroes are all around us. They face challenges with fear and grace.” Our special guest today on the Strong By Design podcast show is the embodiment of selflessness, courage, faith, and inspiration.    “I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people.” (Maya Angelou)…

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Ep 231 Passion is the Fuel behind All Success

What is passion? And are you living a passion filled life?  For our team here at Critical Bench we define passion this way… Passion is a deep love of who we are, what we do and who we serve.  It is one of our 7 core values that guides us, leads us and creates the…

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