SBD Podcast

Ep 228 Never Defeated: It’s About the Size of the Fight Inside ft. Jo and Matt Miller

Certainly, you’ve seen or heard this famous Mark Twain quote before:  It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.  Our guest today on the Strong By Design podcast show exemplifies this statement as good as any human being I’ve ever known or read about. …

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Ep 227 Are YOU the Victim? ft. Chris Wilson

Overcoming the victim mindset begins with you and some accountability. If you see yourself as someone who does not have control over their own life, that everyone is responsible for your feelings, actions and results, then you are suffering from the victim mentality. Your actions can absolutely dictate what does or does not happen to…

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Ep 226 How BAD Do You Want It? ft. Charlie Johnson

How bad do you want to [fill in the blank]?  To lose weight perhaps, build muscle or just feel better in your own skin?  Listen, we are all busy people, and we all want to look and feel our best. But life is moving at 1,000 miles per hour every single day with limited time…

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Ep 225 Finding Peace in a Chaotic World ft. Jared Haley

Above all other things, people ultimately want to find peace in this life.  Things often feel out of our control regardless of how much effort or thought we apply.  So, in this uncertain, fast pace grind we call life, where do we turn for peace, love and truth?  To technology? What about high-priced objects? How…

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Ep 224 Discovering the STANDARD for Masculinity ft. Josh Khachadourian

  Most men today are struggling, grappling for their identity.   What or Who is “the standard” for being a real man? What does a good human being look like, a good husband and father… someone we all aspire to be?   In this life of imperfection, sin, poor choices and self-doubt, there is only one man…

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Ep 223 The ONE Thing Pros Do (that You Can too!) ft. Douglas Bertram

Often times what makes an athlete a superstar isn’t how high they jump, how fast they run or how hard they hit… it’s their ability to perform under pressure and how they take care of their body.  Sure, to be an elite athlete in peak condition requires years of hard work, a commitment to physical…

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Ep 222 Still Standing – Surviving a Traumatic Accident ft. Jo Miller

In the dark, all alone, covered in blood and not sure what just happened… Walking in a daze, holding her ear because it felt as though it may come off completely and hoping to see light somewhere in the distance, Jo was terrified. Have you ever been in a life-or-death situation? Our guest today on…

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Ep 221 Don’t Waste Your Most Precious Gift ft. Chris Wilson

Our most precious gift is not parked in our driveway, on our finger or hanging in our closet. And although we may be quick to list off our most cherished loved ones, closest friends and beautiful children, it’s not that either… The one thing money just cannot buy is time. Time is the one thing…

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Ep 220 Boost Your Brain and Bust Cancer with KETO ft. Annette “Dr. Boz” Bosworth [Part 2]

The conversation with Dr. Boz continues as she explains why ketones are ‘better’ than carbs for sustainable fuel (logs versus pine needles) and the many ways the ketogenic diet can positively boost your brain and overall health. And then LIVE on the show Dr. Boz and coach Chris analyze their blood with blood glucose tests…

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Ep 219 Boost Your Brain and Bust Cancer with KETO ft. Annette “Dr. Boz” Bosworth [Part 1]

When you’re in a battle, you must fight it anyway you can to survive. Often our best discoveries in life come when we are faced with tremendous fear and adversity. Dr. Annette Bosworth did just that when her own mother was dying of cancer. It became her mission to find an alternative approach to chemo…

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